Hello everyone, and welcome back to our start-up blog adventure. We're delighted to have you along for the ride, and yes, we've made it to week two. Isn't it incredible? It certainly is for us. Despite understanding that this week would be stressful, we are very thrilled about this week and what we have to achieve. Last week's journey was full of emotions; there were many highs and lows, but we were all able to persevere. Last week we told you about how we started our journey and how each department in our start-up was assigned a task to complete by the end of the week; well we did them and we were happy to end the week on a good note.
Then it was time for the new week, and as expected the week came with its own challenges, the first on its list was the conflicting emotions regarding the next step to take; after all, we're all building a firm from the ground up, with some of us having little or no experience doing so, so at this point, We decided to take things one step at a time.
Without further ado let's delve into the milestone we accomplished on each day of the week - starting with day 1.
Have you ever been in a class when the instructor has finished his lectures and is about to step out of the class and just as he is ready to depart, a student raises her hand and asks if there was an assignment, prompting the teacher to provide the assignments? Well at the Bootcamp, we have one of those people. Today was a public holiday, and everyone was at home, relaxing and unwinding after the previous week's stress when someone brought it to Drey's (The Bootcamp manager) notice that they had yet to assign us a task for the week, and that they should do so ASAP. well, no one objected, And just like that, Drey assigned duties to everyone. Success our very beautiful and competent team lead took it upon herself to call each team member to check up on them. I believe that's commendable of her, and while some missed her call, some of us picked up and conversed with her and were very appreciative of the call. We all schedule a meeting the next day to talk about the week's task after which we drew the curtain for the day's task.
We began this day with everyone meeting on the Slack workspace to discuss the task for the week. The team leader asked each subteam lead to commence work immediately and told the team that we would be presenting our work to Garfield. She went on to tell us that the date and time will be fixed for the presentation and it will be communicated to us. We also discussed something very important and that is reserving our start-up name.
I don't think I ever told you, but the name we selected for our start-up wasn't Kleptar at first; it was Comfy Realty. We looked for a domain name that contained that phrase but couldn't find one. Imagine our surprise when the team leader came online one faithful day and informed us that the identical name had been taken at the Corporate Affairs Commission (a Nigerian Corporate Registry). That wasn't all; she also stated that she informed Garfield about the situation and that he advised us we pick a new brand name as quickly as possible. Now, I want you to realize that all of this happened after the company's designs, logos, and flyers were completed. Except for the ghost workers (did I mention we had some? ), every other person was in a frenzy.
To cut this long tale short, we ultimately agreed to go with Kleptar after much deliberation, discussions, and anything else you can think of. Now, fast forward to today, we didn't want a similar occurrence, so we opted to reserve the name early to avoid heartfelt stories. The leader informed us that we would have to pay #2,000 to reserve the name, and our very own assistant team leader, Akin volunteered to pay (big man doings). After that was completed, we all headed to our respective departments to commence work.
The name reservation turned out to be a success (which is actually our team leader's name, I like this very much). With everyone busy working on their tasks, this day was a very busy one.
Tolu, one of our teammates, delivered a message to our slack channel to get everyone pumped for the day. He forwarded information on why start-ups failed. The statistics revealed that the most common reason for failure was a lack of market demand for the product or service offered. He reassured us that Kleptar is addressing a major issue in the real estate business and that he believes we can become one of the best. The message was really motivating, and I'm sure it inspired everyone since the results were pouring in from all sides! On this day, at 6 p.m., the team had a meeting to discuss our presentation. This meeting, I must admit, was full of squabbles. Different perspectives on our scope of services, landing page, and other topics were floating about. Now, I know what you're thinking: shouldn't this have been done earlier? We did, however, it appears that many people were dissatisfied. We ultimately settled on some of the services after much deliberation, and we called it a night.
Every department worked on improving their work, and we all went through the overall presentation, which had links to all of the team's work. We were all notified through the Slack workspace that our presentation has been scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Saturday. So, we drew the curtain for the day's task to thoroughly prepare for what is to come the next day so we won't look like a greenhorn when being questioned about our stats and the rationale behind our decision by Garfield.
It was the long-awaited day, and I was looking forward to seeing how the presentation would go. Our team leader sent out a slack reminder to make sure we didn't forget. The day progressed till it was 7:30 p.m. We all attended a little early to see how the other start-up presentations were going and what questions Garfield had for them, so we wouldn't be taken off guard. We were almost intimidated by the teams that had gone before us since they had done so well (keyword: almost). It was eventually our chance to give a presentation, and Tolu's (a team member who shared his screen for the presentation) network wasn't the finest. We gave a presentation, and Garfield praised the work of graphic designers and commented on how professional our social media accounts were; he even followed us on Twitter (thank you, Garfield!).
We'd like to take this opportunity to wish all of our wonderful fathers a Happy Father's Day. Nothing compares to a father's love. We appreciate your love, generosity, unwavering support, counsel, and prayers, as well as your efforts to provide for and protect your family. We adore you all and wish for your well-being. Thank you for everything you do. We also had meeting today to talk about our task and progress so far.
We're not perfect, and we don't have everything sorted out just yet, but we're getting there. It's time to say our goodbyes now that we've reached the conclusion of our adventure for the week, but don't worry, this farewell isn't forever. Everyone, be safe and stay tuned because we have a lot in store for you.